- 次期チーフレジデント同士の絆を深めること
- 4月からのチーフレジデントの一年をどのように充実させるかを練ること
エビデンスに基づいた現代の教育理論的な知識、スキル、態度(Knowledge, Skill, Attitude: KSA) に親しむこと
9am- Orientation and strategic planning about the week
Harden, R.M. & Laidlaw, J.M., 2013. Be FAIR to students: four principles that lead to more effective learning. Medical teacher, 35(1), pp.27–31.
- What is FAIR principle?
- List the key features of the FAIR principles.
- Review the FAIR principle article and discuss about how you can apply this to your current teaching activities?
View the AAMC “Residents as teachers (RATS) project” website and discuss about how you can utilize these resources as a chief resident at your facility?
[LECTURE] “Life cycle of a chief resident in the US part 1” (60min)
[HOME WORK] Day1 self reflection essay (What kind of chief resident or educator would I like to be? How would I like to spend your chief year?)
- Panush, R.S., 2017. Advice for my chief resident. Medical teacher, pp.1–3.
- Lee, T.H., 2010. Turning doctors into leaders. Harvard business review, 88(4), pp.50–58.
- Reilly, B. & Lemon, M., 1997. Evidence-based morning report: a popular new format in a large teaching hospital. AJM, 103(5), pp.419–426.
- Devine, L.A., Gold, W.L. & Page, A.V., 2017. Tips for Facilitating Morning Report. Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine, 12(1), pp.21–25.
- What are the key points of facilitating a morning report?
- How can we improve case conferences at your facility?
Nixon, J. et al., 2014. SNAPPS-Plus: an educational prescription for students to facilitate formulating and answering clinical questions. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 89(8), pp.1174–1179
- What is SNAPPS?
- What is Educational prescription?
- What are the pros and cons of this method?
- How can we utilize the SNAPPS-plus model to improve the inpatient bedside teaching?
[LECTURE] “How to create and deliver a great lecture” (60min)
[HOMEWORK] Prepare a 15min lecture (individual) (please specify the target audience and topic. Non-medical topic is also OK)
[Journal club]
Rodriguez, R.G. & Pangaro, L.N., 2012. AM Last Page. Mapping the ACGME competencies to the RIME framework. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 87(12), p.1781.
Epstein, R.M., 2007. Assessment in medical education. M. Cox & D. M. Irby, eds. New England Journal of Medicine, 356(4), pp.387–396.
- Explain the difference, assessment vs evaluation, formative vs summative
- Which type of assessment is useful for each educational activity at your facility?
[LECTURE] “Life cycle of a chief resident in the US part2″ (60min)
[HOME WORK] Day4-5 self reflection essay (What did I learn about feedback and assessment?)
Steinert, Y., 2013. The “problem” learner: Whose problem is it? AMEE Guide No. 76. Medical teacher, 35(4), pp.e1035–e1045.
[Journal Club]
Ishak, W.W. et al., 2009. Burnout during residency training: a literature review. Journal of graduate medical education, 1(2), pp.236–242.
Campbell, J. et al., 2010. Predictors of persistent burnout in internal medicine residents: a prospective cohort study. Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 85(10), pp.1630–1634.
Burkhart, R.A. et al., 2014. Grit: a marker of residents at risk for attrition? Surgery, 155(6), pp.1014–1022.
Warburton, K.M., Goren, E. & Dine, C.J., 2017. Comprehensive Assessment of Struggling Learners Referred to a Graduate Medical Education Remediation Program. Journal of graduate medical education, 9(6), pp.763–767.
- Does your program have an early detection system for burn out?
- How would you react to a learner with signs of burnout?
- How can you intervene to support the morale and well-being of the residents?
- What is the “Hidden curriculum” in your facility?
- Does your program have a systemic approach to a struggling learner?
[LECTURE] “Personal power” (60min)
[HOMEWORK] Kotter, J.P., 2007. Leading Change. Harvard business review, pp.1–11.
[Journal club]
Kotter, J.P., 2012. Accelerate! Harvard business review, 90(11), pp.44–52– 54–8– 149.
- What/How would you like to CHANGE things at your home institution?自施設で変えたいものは何ですか?
- Has there been other institutes that have tried your idea? 他施設/他国でそのアイデアを試みた例はありますか?
- How can you justify the needs?ニーズが存在することはどのように証明できますか?
- Who will be the stakeholders?誰、もしくはどの部署が大きく関わりますか?
- Can we try a pilot project?パイロットプロジェクトから始められますか?
- What are the obstacles?障壁となるのは何ですか?
- What secondary changes (good / bad) can you expect?変化を加えることで予想される二次性の変化は何ですか?
- How can the change be sustainable?変化が継続するにはどうしたらいいですか?
[LECTURE] “Innovation” (60min)
[HOME WORK] Day6-7 self reflection essay (What did I learn about the role of chief resident?) / Post survey (online)
Adams, T. et al., 2018. Resident versus faculty member simulation debriefing. The Clinical Teacher, 15(6), pp.462–466.